For those of you interested Only in TRAVEL, I (Jack) wrote the blog between MARCH 2010 and October 2010 during our travels west. We saw the most beautiful places and had the best time in our big truck and little trailer. See Blog Archive below.

Jul 25, 2010

Where is Jack, Day 105?

We were slow to start, today. I didn't want to get out of bed.

Nancy's thinking she'll leave the couch bed down as she doesn't use it. She was storing the mattress on her bed, but it made the mattress too soft. It takes away a lot of room, but she'll probably try it for a while. The only reason she doesn't like it is that it doesn't look as tidy in the trailer.

We decided to take a ride and see some of the backroads we may not have been on and on the way home she could pick up a couple of things she needed at Fred Meyers. There was so much to see on the little winding roads amidst the dairy farms, but it was hard to take pictures because there was no place to stop and there were more cars and tractors than Nancy had anticipated. She did pull over to take a picture of these black and white cows, and as her luck would have it a policeman pulled up and told her to move. What's a policeman doing all they way out in the boon docks? We found a small park, and it looked like there was a reunion going on so we just drove through and left.

When Keely was out here she had seen cows walking under a bridge. These cows were walking under a bridge to get to the barn.

Like the ark? Two by Two?

On one side of the bridge.

On the other side of the bridge on the way to the barn.

This one liked us.

Who knew there are Hydranga Farms?

A Barn and Silo seen along the way

In the northwest, they wrap the baled hay to prevent mildew.

Deer are almost as plentiful as cows. There are cute little farmhouses in and among old broken down houses. If we didn't know better, we could have been in Pennsylvania or New England.

We found a herd of brown cows. Nancy said she's going to research what the difference is between the different color cows. She said that she felt sorry for cows because they are not pretty so no one wants to take pictures of them. If they were a herd of horses, there would be no question--people would take pictures.

When we were finished exploring, Nancy took me for a walk in the town of Tillamook. It's empty on Sundays so she thought it would be a good time to walk around and look at the stores. There are really no "pretty shops"--almost everything is utilitarian. We had fun on our walk, though, and we didn't have to deal with crowds of people.


  1. The black and white are Guernsey and the fawn colored are Jersey.
    That's what I know from my childhood days at my uncles' farms.
    They both are good milk cows and I think, may be wrong, that the Jersey has thicker cream.

  2. Anon, thanks for the explanation. Gail, I'm sure Bobbi's are THE best. Gosh, did I say cows were ugly? I think most people do and that's why people don't stop to take pictures of them. I thought the cows in the pictures I took today were beau-ti-ful!

  3. I guess I'm one of those odd people who like cow pix. I even have one in my kitchen. Cows are COOL.


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