For those of you interested Only in TRAVEL, I (Jack) wrote the blog between MARCH 2010 and October 2010 during our travels west. We saw the most beautiful places and had the best time in our big truck and little trailer. See Blog Archive below.

Jul 11, 2010

Where is Jack, Day 89?

This morning, we laid around for a bit before moving. We were all tired from yesterday's drive so none of us wanted to get up.

Okay, okay, I'm getting up!

Told you I was tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open in the car.

Nancy was amazed that the drive was so different than she had remembered. They didn't drive along the water as much. The two towns they usually stopped in were Bandon and Florence. She took pictures along the way and in the two towns.

Susan walking me. The weather was cool, but beautiful.

Nancy and Rich had a standing joke. Whenever they were in Florence, he bee-lined it to BJs, and Nancy would go in to get him an ice cream. He wanted to be surprised by the flavor she picked and said it tasted better when she bought it. He was such a con man. It was always crowded so he and Lizzie or he, Lizzie, and me enjoyed the weather outdoors until Nancy came out.

So, Susan will remember BJ's...

Susan doing her

Yup, more rocks.

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