For those of you interested Only in TRAVEL, I (Jack) wrote the blog between MARCH 2010 and October 2010 during our travels west. We saw the most beautiful places and had the best time in our big truck and little trailer. See Blog Archive below.

Mar 14, 2014

Sad News

Last night another good soul left this earth. His name was Mac. He was a little dog with a big attitude. As you can see here, he had Jack's bone and wouldn't let him have it back. He probably weighed all of 10 pounds.

My good friends, Gail and Paul, gave him a wonderful life when they rescued him. I know this is a difficult day for them. I don't want him to be gone without recognizing him for what an adorable little guy he was, and to thank him for giving my friends so much love and so many reasons to laugh. 
Rest in Peace, Mac.
We'll Miss You.


  1. Mac, your family misses you so much but we do know that you are running free with lots of friends and all kinds of bones on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you for bringing so much love into their lives.

  2. Just read the post with the wonderful news about Mary, now this. Please pass along our thoughts and prayers to Mac's owners. It isn't an easy task to lose a family member.

  3. RIP Mac. Please pass my condolences on to your friends. Always sad to lose one of our furkids.

  4. Oh So sad. I'm so sorry for his folks and for you two. He looks like a wonderful dog and clearly gave so much pleasure to lots of people. Give my sympathies to your friends. It is so hard to lose your pet. They give such unconditional love.

  5. aww...poor sweet boy..may he rest in peace and may your friends find comfort knowing that he was given a great second chance. :*)


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