For those of you interested Only in TRAVEL, I (Jack) wrote the blog between MARCH 2010 and October 2010 during our travels west. We saw the most beautiful places and had the best time in our big truck and little trailer. See Blog Archive below.

Jun 11, 2011

Maybe This Blog Wasn't Meant to Be...(Mr. Nimble on the Move)

I confused myself. I actually started this blog thinking it would be a journal of our next trip west. Of course, Jack was going to write it. Everything has gone haywire, though. I'm in limbo as far as whether we'll be able to travel, again, we got the terrible news about Mary which leaves us with helpless and very sad feelings. I feel guilt for being alive while a little  seven year old suffers, and it's so frustrating that we can't turn back the clock and change it. It is so sad to me that I can't write about it because there are no words to describe what I'm feeling and how terrible I feel not only for her, but for her parents and grandparents. I've always given to St. Judes; come on, let's find an easier cure for this thing.

My back is in bad shape, I can't stand or walk after 5 minutes. I'm fine sitting or lying down, so that means I can still hitch up and go at the first opportunity. The problem will be walking Jack, but I'll figure something out--find fields, etc., though he'll wonder why I'm not walking him on the leash.

We lost another beautiful soul, yesterday. Nigel, Matt and Stephanie's pup had to be put to sleep. He lived a good long life, but no matter it's hard to hear that he's gone. Judy was crazy about him--such a nice dog. While I never had the pleasure of meeting him, I liked him because of what she told me, and all dogs have good souls.

Now, what to do about blogs. I think I'll just keep writing my thoughts down. Something's going on as I can't edit the older posts and I already spotted a grammatical error. Anyway, this is the blog written as a person with TBI plunders through.

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